The beginning of the final phase! (a bit confusing)

 Welcome back dear reader!

From here on out, I will be blogging my experience while the filming of this brand new idea becomes reality. So far good progress has been done within the team, however, the team seems to be hitting some speed bumps along the way. The artistic creativity for one seems to be taking different paths and that in a way bothers me. 

So far some areas have been discussed where the filming would be safe and be a realistic setting. None however, have been truly scouted. I'm planning on going to the location myself and assessing how reliable a teammates home actually is and how realistic it would be for one of the scenes to be filmed there. As far as times, given that most of the scenes happen after hours, it has been decided that filming would take place in the evening/ night. Of course, not too late since the team is still made up of minors, but a reasonable late time, maybe after 7 pm. The right precautions are being taken and I am making sure of it. There will be a saftey kit at hand and an adult monitoring how each of the cars are driven. This, to avoid an actual crash or any accident that can happen in a vehicle. I have also decided to bring up that other members should be casted as the actors. I just thought it would be nice and entertaining to have some more members there and would create a nice ambience. I was also thinking of future possibilities the film could include in case the timeline already doesn't cover the five minutes. I recruited an actor so I'm hoping the pitch the idea to my team. As of right now, nothing is solid but hopefully that changes and the filming can start as soon as possible. I'm hoping the filming will only take a few days at most since the "fun" part is yet to come. That being, the editing process.

That's a problem for another day, today, I am just happy I could spend the day with one of my most favorite people in the world and help celebrate her 18th birthday. Please admire how beautiful the ballon arrangement her boyfriend got her is! That's all for today though , signing off!


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Let the filming begin!