
Showing posts from February, 2024

Editing: check!

   Hi again viewer! Last time, my peer Johanna gave insights on the film the team created and I edited. According to her, while the from was enjoyable, a lot was left to fix. There I went again, trying to touch up what she had said needed improvement. However, the enrichment of companies was something to always be awaited. Since I wasn't going to pay the monthly subscription to add a filter or editing the saturation,  not much was being fixed entirely. There I was, attempting to fix something I truly didn't know all that well.  So I carried away, until my friend Sophia gave me one of the best ideas. She played the role as one of the characters in the film and she posted his edit. A sequence of clips she took at the whilst at the filming location. I personally remember being so mad that she was distracted. Now, I find myself feeling a little silly. In the edit, the music placed on top, where the scenes were cut were smooth.The way it was gave off exactly the effect I wanted for

Peer Review ( in progress...)

       Hello welcome back reader! My name is Johanna Amaya and I was apart of Nathaly’s team film "Cold Case". My experience was great I had so much fun while filming and acting. I loved spending time with my friends. Coming up with the scenes and where we were gonna do each scene was also entertaining. I was on the first scene with Jacobo, we were the first two to die in the room with all the ice skates. Shooting with Jacobo was entertaining because he was always doing something funny, like the class clown would. My favorite part of the video was when Nathaly thought Jacobo was messing around so she said “Jacobo if thats you I swear I’m going to kill you." As menacing as it sounds, everyone was just having fun. Over all my experience was delightful.   As far as the film, Nathaly came to me asking for help and to show her tricks I had learned from all the from edits I've made. The beginning was good but the template for the title wasn't much to my liking, I would

Lets put it all together!

       Welcome back! Last time I was here I talked about everything that went down during filming the issues and the victories along the way. Now that the filming was complete, the team needed to put the film together. The editing was going to be the tricky part, since the team, well, they aren't all that experienced. I myself don't have much experience in putting clips together either so I have no place to say anything. nonetheless I was willing to give it a shot. I used CapCut since it was the most basic and easiest tool available to me. I tried my best, but there were a lot of things in which my lack of knowledge was shown. I tried understanding the program better by watching tutorials, but even then, the film lacked so much ambience. I communicated to my team I needed assistance in finding the font and template for the title. Fun Fact, one thing about me is that I am extremely indecisive. I'm aware it's a weakness I have to work on, but meanwhile, I needed help. Aro


     Hey welcome back! The team was ready to film, everyone got into positions and action! The first team, Jacobo and Johanna, headed off and I instructed them on how the scene would be taken and what their actions should be , I am proud it came pretty well, as good as scene filmed in almost absolute darkness, can be filmed. Now that their part was done, they were to help for the rest the filming. While walking towards the next area, I noticed how dangerous the glass was, so I warned everyone to keep a close eye on the ground to make sure they didn't step on anything hazardous objects.  For the next scene, Sophia, Benjamin and I would be the characters and so everyone got into their role. This however, is when things started getting weird. I felt weird walking in the next area, it was huge, but it felt as if something else was there with me. Of course, I wasn't alone, I was with the rest for the team, but I had the sense that it was something unwelcome that was there with me. I

Let the filming begin!

So, moving into the characters that would be in the film. The group was chosen based on availability, most of them, well all, being my friends. A recurring helper, my best friend Johanna, my friend Jacobo, and someone I met recently, Sophia. There were more people but they didn't have time or something came up. From the team, only Benjamin and I showed up.  The team decided to record in late January so it was a tad cold but Everyone wanted to fit into the timeline so most of the team members were co-opperative dress attire-wise. I made sure everyone brought the necessary items given that the place was dark, so flashlights were required. It took a while for the recording team to all show up, but once attendance was met, I set up most things to get ready to shoot. The first step was to clear the area and make a map of the areas we would visit throughout the recording. The team decided on a few areas, the first being the storage room with the skates previously mentioned. The group dec

Music to my ears!

 Welcome back! Last time I left off saying what the title of the movie would be. Well I don't like to break promises and disappoint, so here it is. Based on the story of being a case reopened and the fact that the  location chosen, used to be a skating rink, the team agreed to the title suggested. The team came up with Cold Case. Okay, I know it sounds basic, but the pun! The name is a bit anti-climatic but I thinks it's so cool how it plays on the different factor of our movie.  Now that the name was chosen and the location, we needed to focus on the music. The team had someone to count on though. A fellow student interested in the film offered to create the music with her band. However, certain unpreccidented events happened and the team had to resort to plan B, look for it in internet. I recommended using royalty free music so that the team would be able to avoid a number of problems along the way. Everyone went straight to work, I found a song I really liked but the beat wa

Any Ideas...Anyone?

      Hi, welcome back reader! Last time I left off with the good news that the team had finally found the ideal location to shoot. It's cool looking, dark, mysterious and just perfect for what I had in mind to convey with the opening sequence. Everything seemed like sunshine and rainbows right? I thought so too, but the satisfaction I felt in that moment would only be momentary because of what was about to dawn on me. Cool location and cool idea but now, what's the name gonna be? Oh boy.  The team was rather torn on what decision to make, because well, let me explain. See, I along with another fellow team member, like to dispute and discuss, what is the next, and right step. So imagine the atmosphere of two members arguing what is right and who is right. This discussion, boy was that one of those moments. I came up with a lot of ideas and so did the rest of the team, but when a bad title was divulged, being merciful and forgiving, was definitely not one of the teams virtues. N

Problems and solutions.

     Hey amigos (friends), welcome back! Going back to where I left off the last time, the thought process. The idea was there boom, the team knew what the production would include, the question was, how? After a lot of questioning and searching, the ideal location came up. I'm going to go back to back-track, because one of the hardest things was finding this perfect location. There were a total of 2 options that were up to the team to pick.  The first option was found by me. I did quite some searching, when I happen to come across a website that had a ton of abandoned locations. There was a stadium abandoned in 2015, but it was too big to adequatly. However, the location that really brought its attention towards me was an abandoned mall. The images provided by the website looked like the viewer were in a dreamy, yet horrifying location. The mall had been abandoned in the early 2000's so it of course still had the sort of decorations and paintings on the walls. Sadly though, un

Process part one!

       Welcome back, it really has been a while huh. New project, new us! The new task of filming the beginning sequence of a movie was way more stressful than I had thought. The first big bump along the way was thinking what genre of the movie the team wanted. One part of the team wanted something comedic while the rest wanted something classical, like a thriller.  OH, not sure if I said so, but the team switched the team up a bit. Last task was stressful as one team member in particular was always absent, which affected the performance of the team in whole. So this time, unanimously, Stanley was chosen to replace with someone different, that being Gabriel. Every one in the team knew and had law classes with him so it was perfect.  Back to the topic of the genre, in the end, after debating ideas and plans, the team settled for a classical and lovable thriller. Everything was good, the team had a plan and idea for what should be done with the movie, possibilitly a lost location so add