Now comes the audio!
Much has been agreed, much has been discussed. I'll divert from speaking too much about the surprises. Solely because I want the film to be enjoyed by you the viewer, with as many nice moments as I had intended.
For now, I brought up the need for creating audio for the crash and the music necessary for the scenes. As far as the creation of sound, the sound effects for the office for the typing and ringing of phones to make the ambience believable should be on its way. I intend to take some items with me to recreate the sounds and busy setting.
Additionally, for the scenes regarding the party, the team has decided to create the audio and music for the film. That way, no copy right and there's another opportunity to have fun. The team plans to use a special program to make that happen and merge any music available. It does present itself as an obstacle, but I think it could be fun. Honestly speaking however, I think finding royalty free music would be the better route. It would be far more simple and the resources from last year could be used again.
As far as the scene for the crash, that is something I think should be created. Yes, you can find some online, but one of the team members loves anything related to automobiles and I'm pretty sure creating the sound track of an actual crash could be entertaining.
The idea of elongating the film was approved so the sound of sirens is the next scene that requires audio. I'm not sure how, but I'm sure there should be some free audio out there to help out. I think I might have to fill in for this new role and there should be the introduction of some smaller audiences which should be fun. I'm pretty excited, costumes should be coming soon and my new role will come as a surprise.
I don't have much more to say unfortunately, but I'll leave you with a picture of my mock trial team after winning districts and moving on to states! Thats the team along with the coaches and everyone!
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