Script Blog

  Location: Outside Abandoned Ice Rink

Girl #1: Are you guys sure about this?

*Collective Agreement*

Girl #1: Well you all can go but I'm staying out here.

Girl #2: Don't be scared, it'll be fine.

Girl #1: I'm staying.

Location: Room 1
Girl #2: Woah, guys look how cool this is.

Boy #1: Can't believe she decided to stay outside, this is awesome. 

*Girl #2 runs off*

Girl  #2 (Offscreen): Guys come inside here!

Location: Room 2

Boy #1 YO, look at that pile, are those skates??

Girl #3: Dude look, they're still really sharp.

Girl #3 Imagine if someone just came behind you and WHAM!!

Boy #1 ( Laughs) That's Sick!

Boy #2 BOOO!!

Girl #4:  You think you're real  funny, huh.

Location : Main Room( Ice Skate Room)

 Girl #4 Guys this place is actually starting to scare me, look at this!

( hear screams from the other room) 

Boy #2 Dude what was that..

Girl #4 Not falling for it again dude, nice try.

Girl #3 Guys that’s enough quit it. 

Boy #2 Hello?? Whats going on. 

(Girl #4 and Boy #2 exit screen) 

Girl #1 Guys? GUYS WHERE ARE YOU??

Girl #1 This isn't funny anymore, please come out??

Boy #1 Oh my gosh… what is that? 

(Something or someone comes after 2 members)

( Screams from afar)

( Girl #1 runs away)

Girl #1 (out of air) Ayannah, AYANNAH, where are you.

( sees body) 

Girl #1 …Oh oh no..AAHHH!

(Scream echos and camera drops)


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